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- agebuzz newsletter: Oct. 31st: Included This Week: How To Test And Improve Your Balance ⏱️ 🤸
agebuzz newsletter: Oct. 31st: Included This Week: How To Test And Improve Your Balance ⏱️ 🤸
October 31st, 2024

October 31st, 2024
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agebuzz weekly newsletter!
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This Week's Featured Posts
No more tech battles with your parents' TV
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Agebuzz Asks: This Week’s Reader Poll: In response to the October 24th reader poll regarding the shows and programs you watch on television or stream, a little over ⅓ of our respondents report watching several shows a week, either on television or streaming, and the choices enjoyed cover a wider range of programming, with everything from news and PBS to crime shows, medical dramas, sports and documentaries being mentioned. Several of you were quite unhappy when favorite shows were taken off the air, and a large number said you don’t watch anything or just an occasional special or movie, but nothing regularly. That’s a different level of enthusiasm for this entertainment option than we saw when we asked about reading habits. It does seem that for many, “there’s nothing worth watching on television” is more than just a cliché. Thank you all for your responses. And if anything new comes on that you think we’d all enjoy, please make sure to alert us at agebuzz so we can spread the word!

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