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- agebuzz - July 25th, 2024
agebuzz - July 25th, 2024
agebuzz newsletter: Included This Week: Stretch And Flex! 🤸
July 25th, 2024
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The Smallest, Mightiest Hearing Aid on the Market
Say hello to Horizon by hear.com. This tiny German hearing aid is now taking the U.S. by storm.
Why? Partly because it’s tiny. Like James Bond-device tiny. Partly because it boasts the world’s first-ever dual processing system. And with double the power comes double the clarity.
In non-science-y talk, it just means you get maximum speech clarity with minimal background noise and, as a result, effortless conversation wherever you go.
If you like, you can also stream music, adjust settings via app, and enjoy ultra HD sound all day, every day.
Ready to join the 385k+ who can hear with crystal clarity thanks to hear.com? Sign up for a 45-day no-risk trial to test drive the best-selling Horizon hearing aids.
* Clicking the following link will take you to a partner website
Agebuzz Asks: The Reader Poll: In response to the July 18th reader poll regarding gratitude, the most popular response by far was gratitude for your health, followed distantly by gratitude for the family you have. This is not to suggest that all of you who responded are in perfect health- far from it. Many of you mentioned situations that burden you, yet you use gratitude for what you do have as a way to deal with and accept what you can’t change. And many of you listed multiple things beyond health that you’re grateful to have in your life. We know that for so many of us, these are challenging times, but it seems that the ability to feel grateful for what makes us happy, and allows us to continue living a meaningful life, can counterbalance the difficulties we may encounter. And we at agebuzz feel immense gratitude to have you as our readers!
Thank you all for continuing to generously share your experiences and feelings and for responding to the previous poll. If you are willing to allow us to share your poll comments with the general agebuzz audience, please let us know when you complete future polls. We would love to share with your fellow agebuzz readers some of the wisdom and experiences that so many of you write about, but we don’t want to violate anyone’s privacy. Therefore, we would like permission to share your thoughts. So please let us know and thank you!
The Last Word
“Death ends a life, not a relationship. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on- in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.”
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